Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Soooo, What All Happened Last Week? Sit Down, It's a Long One

Well, like any good storyteller, I guess I'd better start at the beginning, right?  For us, the beginning of last week was Tuesday....hey, just now noticed, that was a full week ago!  (translated, that means we've been here a week already, but that's just another part of the story..hold your horses, and let's go back to the beginning again.)  Tuesday, dawned, bright and early, and it was moving day.  We were going to leave Camp Verde and head down to Surprise, where we are due to stay for Oct, Nov & Dec.  Remember last week, I mentioned we had to get some clear coat paint, as well as some free lumber supplies for a special project?  Well, here it is!  Driver built me a set of mini-ramps to help me put the car up on the dolly without so much effort and finesse of the gas pedal/brake pedal.  

They work GREAT!  They've reduced the rise considerably, and made it much more gradual, so I don't have to stomp the gas, then mash the brake immediately.  I also don't have the skidding and fishtailing that I've experienced previously, when the drive surface is gravel.  Or wet and slick.  While we were at Peregrine Pines, up at the Air Force Academy, we watched a tow truck driver remove a car that had overshot his dolly tire stops.  I know it must have been embarrassing, not to mention, expensive, for the driver of that vehicle.  Since I brake left-footed normally, I can't foresee that happening, but ya never say never in this biz!  

Soooo, we got all loaded up (the car and camper, not us, personally, per se....) and set out right on time, at 9 am.  We try to time our travels so that we avoid morning and afternoon rush hours, and lunch congestion going through cities.  Sometimes, we hit it just right.  Take that as you wish - sometimes we are right in the thick of things, and sometimes, we accomplish our goal and miss the stop-and-go traffic.  We miss it, meaning, we avoid it.  Certainly don't miss it!  I had not realized that Camp Verde was still up in the hills; I thought we were in a Valley!  Well, we were, it was a valley high up in the hills!  I remember taking this photo, specifically because of that sheer cliff wall, and that warning sign.  But darned if I can remember what that warning sign was for, and I darned sure can't read it, can you??

Eventually, after about 10 minutes, the road flattened out again, but we could see we hadn't left those pesky hills yet....
 Aaaan, here we are back again, being warned of steep downhills coming right up.  We consider ourselves "trucks" and/or "vehicles pulling trailers" depending on the situation, in this case, we decided we could be both, and the warning was directed right at us.

 They did not lie.  Steep slope, coming right up.

And, down at the bottom of the hill, our first glance of the majestic saguaro cactus, in the wild.  We had seen a few over at the Cactus Nursery in Jerome, but this was the first time I've ever seen one growing wild.  I took lots of pictures as we drove along, but this one was the closest to the road, and also the one with the most arms.  I found this blurb to be most interesting:

Saguaro are very slow growing cactus. A 10 year old plant might only be 1.5 inches tall. Saguaro can grow to be between 40-60 feet tall (12-18m). When rain is plentiful and the saguaro is fully hydrated it can weigh between 3200-4800 pounds.

Again, the hills.  This time they weren't quite so scary, as we seemed to be meandering along their bases, rather than up and over each one.

This was my third attempt to capture the wild burro warning sign - I was not quick enough on the shutter for the first two.  Shortly after seeing this sign, we actually SAW the BURROS!  There were only 3, but they were sure cute!  Sadly, the shutter finger was not fast enough yet again.
 And, FINALLY, we reached the flat land of the West Valley.  That's what they call this part of Phoenix, anyway.  It is low, comparatively speaking, at only about 3000 feet elevation, and it is definitely flat.  This is "the 303 Loop" around Phoenix, so traffic was relatively sparse.  That day, that time, only,  It has gotten MUCH MUCH worse, since we've been in town.
 I had been in contact with Lora, as we traveled, and she had asked to let her know when we were in and settled.  This is the picture I sent her to let her know we were at the front gate, to which she replied, "you made it!!" I guess she knows her sentinels!

And here we are, all set up in our site for the next 3 months.  Yep, we struggled to get around that cactus that extends over into our site.  What you cannot see is the 60 foot palm tree in front of that cactus.  Nor can you see the car in the site directly across from us, nor the chain links blocking the driveway next to the site directly across from us, where we would have like to have pulled forward.  Nor can you see the little brick wall surrounding the palm tree in front of the cactus that we would have had to drive over, had we continued attempting our back-in as we had been directed.  Why on earth I assume campground "owners" or security personnel know how to park our rig?  Yeah, they took us in a different way than I had planned, but I figured, they know their park, so I gave 'em the benefit of the doubt.  Arrrgh.  Dumb move on my part.  Didn't take us but a couple of minutes to figure out that we were approaching it backwards.  So we drove down the street, did us a 3 point turn at the end of it, and came back to our site, facing the opposite direction.  We don't normally back in from the passenger's side, BUT...when that's where the room is, that's what we do.  Took us one go at it, and BAM! We were in.  Granted, I misjudged a tad, and we were about 6 inches too far over toward the cactus side, but that was an easy fix for Driver, and he was able to move it over in just one forward and back.  We were all set up in about 10 more minutes and almost ready to hit the pool  But, first, bath time for puppy!

And then, one more little project to get out of the way....We found a good deal on some patio furniture up in Clarkville, up toward Sedona.  Trouble was, it came all in a box, and needed to be assembled prior to use.  Soooo, that was the other use for the clear coat....and as soon as the paint was dry, we set to assembly.  Didn't take us long, and both chairs were ready for a load test!

So that was a recap of our Tuesday.  Next day, we found out about the upcoming craft show, so I put together my inventory and looked to see what I could list in my Etsy Shop.  I don't mind selling it in person, but the shop always looks better if I have more than one or two items in it.  

Then, given that the chairs were built, the dog was clean, the laundry was under control, I decided I'd better get started on Betty's garden flags.  She wants two - one for herself, one to give as a gift to her dear friend Dona (yes, spelled with only one N).  Each flag is going to be double-sided, so that she can use it for 2 seasons.  This one is the Autumn Bounty side of hers.  Dona will get one, but the purple flowers will be salmon instead.  The reverse sides will be totally different.  Betty's will be Santa swinging on an ornament, framed by arched Merry Christmas, and Dona's will be a Jacobean style urn with flowers arranged and have her name under it.

Thursday we checked out a couple of the local grocery stores, Sam's Club, the local Air Force Base (cool watching jet fighters doing touch-and-goes!!), the Commissary, and of course, the Base Exchange (BX).  Have you noticed, we always check out the Commissary and BX?  I'll never forget that trip we did, going from NC to FL, we hit THREE Commissaries in ONE DAY.  Just 'cuz we could!  Friday, we got coupons for Joann's Fabric, and decided maybe we'd go check it out....we did...and ran right into a manager's special, 90% off the red-sticker Clearance prices.  Whoohooo, SCORE!  Dick found him some paints and brushes, and I found a paper slicer for only $3!!!  And a table top Ott Light, for only $4!!  Yeah, those lights retail for about 70 bucks, and it was clearance priced at $39.99, which came to FOUR BUCKS after the 90% discount!  I figured that was a steal, and even if we donated the paper cutter to the scrapbooking club here, it was a good deal.  On the way home, we happened to pass by a quilt shop....and somehow, the car just automatically steered right into the parking lot.  Poor Driver, must have lost control at that point.  And what do ya know...they just so happened to be gearing up for a shop hop next week.  Eight shops, each offering a special demonstration, refreshments, and possible prizes.  After some discussion about time available, driver availability and plans, count me in.  I found me a local print - some Kokopelli dancing on a black background, and thought, well, that'll go nicely for some of the campers here in the park.  Hopefully, they'll sell quickly, and at a decent price point.

Saturday and Sunday, we just hung around the park, meeting some of the neighbors, hanging out with the orphaned quail down the street (more on him later), walking the dog, cleaning the camper, sewing (16 bowl cozies to show for it!), preparing Aunt Grace's financial report, finishing up my embroidered Nice Baby items that had been commissioned two months ago...(the baby's last name is Nice, so Nice Baby is kind of an inside joke with the mom and her friend)

servicing and riding the bikes a bit, and checking out each of the pools and hot tubs.  And eating.  I'm not naming any names or anything, but there was this one night....a pan of brownies was baked.  And eaten.  And yes, all in the same night.  The.WHOLE.Pan.  ????!!!  Yup, not so proud of that, but it happened.  And we even got to speak with Charles and Barbara - they found a long-term renter for their Maryland home, got all their stuff moved down to the basement for storage, in spite of Charles' face plant (two stories, take your pick - he tripped over a 6 x 6 or Barbara hit him in the face with said 6 x 6.) and set out for their place down in Silver Springs.  And for those friends and family of his that are wondering when Dick & I have time to ourselves for hanky-panky, you can just ask him what I answered!  😂😊😆

Monday, I was able to get in to see a spine doc, to see if I've cracked a vertebrae, or something is just out of place that might be impinging a nerve.  Or whatever.  We pretty much just messed around in the morning, waiting for the afternoon appointment, couldn't really start on any projects, so we just hung around thinking about places to go, things to see and do.  The appointment went pretty well; no real answers, just figuring out which vertebrae to concentrate on and seeing what options were available.  The MRI was scheduled for Tuesday at noon.

Tuesday, that's today, well, that was a whole 'nother story.  Let me just say, about 2 or 3 months ago, I did my research and found a rheumatologist that was taking new patients and offered Prolia shots under the right conditions.  Of course, I'll meet the conditions, it's just a matter of some bloodwork and a bone density scan, which will undoubtedly come back as (still) indicating osteoporosis.  Well.  We arrived at their office this morning, in plenty of time.  Unlike the spine doc, though, I was not given a link to new patient paperwork, so I had to fill it all out once I arrived.  Noooo problemo, right?  Ugh.  Several pages later, I was able to turn in the completed paperwork and was told I would be seen shortly.  FIFTY ONE MINUTES LATER....I was called back in to get weight checked (those damned brownies showed up, too!!) and height checked.  Surprise - I've lost another inch! Ugh.  BP was a super low 86 over 60something, and body temp was only 93!  I kept telling them it was cold in there!!  And then we waited again.  And waited and waited.  By now, we were getting concerned that I was going to be late for my MRI, so I went and checked with the receptionist, who was too busy to give me an answer at that time.  As I returned to the room, the PA was approaching.  Finally!  So she asked all her questions (which I'd already answered on the darned paperwork!) and said she'd send the doctor right in.  And we waited.  And waited.  And waited.  The PA had determined that a Dexa scan was in order, and Dick went out to retrieve the imaging center paperwork from the car, so that they could send the order directly, and I might could get it done at the same visit as my upcoming MRI.  Which I was due to be at in only 40 minutes!!!  Finally, the doc came in, spent about 3 minutes talking to me about Prolia, the protocol I had come to get, and another option, Reclast infusion.  We opted to stick with the Prolia, which seemed to be working well for me, with no detrimental side effects.  But, a blood draw and bone density exam was required first.  But, I had that pesky MRI scheduled, so we really had to go.  Then.  No more farting around.  So it was decided that we would go do the MRI and return for the blood draw, at which time, they could schedule the bone density scan.  At their other office, about 13 more miles away, since THIS office didn't have the scanner.  Argh.  So we went and did the MRI (thank you so very much, 2 Xanax, you knocked me RIGHT OUT, even though I was trying to give driving directions!) and returned to the rheumatologist's office for the blood draw.  They scheduled the bone density for 45 minutes from the time of arrival, but, apparently, no one told the phlebotomist that there was any sense of urgency.  'Cuz we SAT WAITING, for another 22 minutes!  The stick itself only took about 25 seconds!  Can you sense my anxiety and frustration?  Well, you can only imagine how we felt, when we discovered that the imaging center office was RIGHT BACK in the neighborhood WHERE THE MRI IMAGING office was!  And you can only imagine how I felt when I went to check in and was told, "you're too late, and the radiologist left at  because she didn't think you were coming."  This, after arriving 15 minutes late, because of the FIRST OFFICE delay, and them telling me, "don't worry, we'll call and tell them you are on the way."  Yeah.  Didn't happen.  And of course, we couldn't make that 13 mile drive in less that 23 minutes, which was all we had time for to be on time.  I was speechless.  Actually, I wasn't speechless, I just didn't want to lash out with what I was thinking in front of a room full of strangers (old people, no less) and to people that so obviously didn't give a rat's patooty.  So I just told 'em "you've got to be friggin' kidding me" and turned around and walked away.  If you've been following this saga any length of time, you'll know exactly what I mean when I say, "it's Florida's fiasco all over again, just different excuses, different delays, and different people."  But, it's just the same.  One royal PITA.  God love him, though, Driver is adamant that I follow through and get it done.  So, I found my own imaging center, only 3 miles from our park, and I have an appointment for a scan on Friday.  We'll see what happens when the time comes.  But lemme just say, here and now, in public, for all to see, and in writing, for the record, don't cross me, people, I am right on the edge!!  And it won't take but one more person to be an A$$, and I'm gonna unleash the beast! Could be fun to watch, any takers?  Tickets go on sale Thursday afternoon!

When we finally arrived home at 4 pm (yes, yes, we had started this journey at NINE AM!!), doggie was about to pop.  I walked her while Dick got her dinner ready, which she scarfed down as soon as we got back.  I was still pretty PO'd so I thought, maybe if we walk again, I'll calm down a bit.  When she had done her business, and we returned back to the camper, there was a lady standing in the middle of the street, on the phone, right in front of our camper. Whaaa??  Turns out, she is friends with our landlord, and that's who she was talking to.  We arrived just in time to hear her say, "their camper is to die for."  Ha, glad she recognized quality when she saw it!  Of course, she wanted to come inside for a tour, too bad I still have sewing stuff strewed all about, and I haven't swept the floor in a few days, so there are paw prints and dust puppies all over the place.  It was going on twilight, so we just didn't turn on all the lights, and poof!  All that dirt and grime is gone!  Oh, what a day!  So glad it's about over, and thank you for allowing me to rant and rave.  The coyotes are out again tonight, so we'll be quick in our evening walk, sticking pretty close to home and the spotlights.  

Here's hoping YOUR day has gone better!!  Tomorrow is Wednesday, and it's definitely the day puppy gets another bath.  The black tar on the streets just crawls up her legs and makes her pretty white feet all dirty and grimy, and she just drags all that crap inside, so it looks like pup is going to have a standing weekly appointment with the outdoor shower.  Lucky duck!

Y'all stay well and happy, and stay away from incompetent doctors' offices!  They are not good for your mental health!!

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